Partner Up Coaching

Lawyers coaching lawyers
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Our Mission

Partner up LLC

Our mission is to partner with members of the legal profession to explore the challenges they face in their professional and personal lives, to work together to develop and execute practical and sustainable strategies to successfully overcome these challenges and to provide private professional skills training that will further enhance our clients’ professional skills.

Our Story

When Rosemary started training to become a coach, one of her instructors commented that there was a great need for coaching in the legal profession, but lawyers think that only other lawyers understand them. We think he was right.  So, we decided to set up a coaching practice to specialize in coaching lawyers and law students and other members of the legal profession.

There is a TED talk entitled, “Want to get great at something? Get a coach”. The speaker was a surgeon and his topic was about how one-on-one coaching on surgical techniques improved his patient outcomes and made him a better surgeon.  We thought one-on-one coaching tailored to the needs of experienced litigators and trial lawyers could help bring them to even higher levels of effectiveness. We designed a bespoke program to enhance deposition, writing, trial and oral presentation skills tailored to the client’s needs, interests and schedule.  We added a program to coach lawyers on marketing their services, closing the deal and client retention because in our coaching we identified this as a leading cause of attorney stress.


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News and Resources

Why is Everyone Talking about Neurodiversity in Law Firms?

    Are you wondering why everyone is talking about neurodiversity in law firms?  You may be thinking, “we didn’t have ‘that’ when I started practicing law,” and that would be wrong.  It was always there, but it was masked or, in some cases, tolerated.  ADHD...

Why Law Firms Must Become Neurodiverse Friendly

Law Firms must become Neurodiverse friendly because:  it’s the right thing to do, and Gen Z demands it. First, a neurodiverse friendly firm culture creates a positive work culture, increases retention, assists recruitment and attracts clients. Second, Gen Z expects...

How does RSD Impact Attorney’s at Work?

Ever wonder what artificial intelligence thinks about how RSD impacts attorneys in the workplace? I did. So, after writing my blog on that topic I asked Chat GPT  how RSD impacts attorneys in the workplace. The response  is below. I recommend that you compare this...

RSD at Work

Ever wonder if your RSD is impacting you at work? It is, and if you’re an attorney with RSD it could be impacting how you handle your cases. Before we discuss the ways RSD impacts attorneys, let's be clear on what it is and who is impacted by it. What is RSD?...

Using the ADHD Motivators to Increase Your Success as a Lawyer

If you have ADHD, you may be struggling to understand why you can’t get started on tasks even when you know they are really important, but you can eagerly spend hours in a rabbit hole. Or why you always wait until the last minute to do projects that others do ahead of...

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